Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We desperately needed to escape Quito's rain and cold, so we headed to the beach for a long weekend. Here are a few photos of the trip...

The boys loved the sun, sand, and water. Jacob loved going to the "grande pina" and "teetee pina" (translated as "grande piscina" or "big pool", and "Timothy piscina" or "baby pool"). Timothy loved the sand, particularly eating it. And naturally, we enjoyed good drinks with our feet in the sand.


Anonymous said...

Ya mamacita! Your boys are so adorable!! Can't wait to catch up with them, and you, whenever that is. Miss you, foxy! Much love, Yael

KCH said...

You have the MOST beautiful boys!! Seems like you are loving life. We miss seeing you.
Take Care,
the Harrises