Sunday, August 5, 2007

Shower, 39 weeks, and Papallacta

Santiago and Jacob in Papallacta

Nicole and the boys

Well ... we're at week 39 of this pregnancy. No sign that our next little one is ready to arrive. Like his brother, he seems pretty content where he is. That said, all is well, and he and I are healthy. If he doesn't arrive by the 13th, I will be induced shortly thereafter, as doctors do not recommend waiting more than a week after the due date, given the high altitude.

Santiago's coworkers threw us and el bebe a wonderful shower. They have been a tremendously gracious and welcoming group of folks, and we are blessed to have them as our team/family here. Little did I know that shower party games are not solely a US-American tradition. So, alas, I enjoyed having people guess how many squares of toilet paper it would take to wrap my orb of a belly. (I now like the people who guessed fewer more than those that guessed more!)

We spent the weekend in Papallacta, a town about 90 minutes away. It is the home of many nice hiking trails and several thermal springs. So after a chilly but beautiful hike along the river, which was a sheer delight to Jacob who laughed or "ooh-ed" the entire way, we soaked our bones in outdoor springs. How invigorating to see the clouds hanging on the lush green mountains, feeling the freezing air, and being toasty warm in the pool. (OK - I'll admit: Getting out of the pools in the freezing air.... not so nice.)

All is well. No more than 15 days until we have news about our newest family member!!


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I look forward to catching up with you each week. Thanks for sharing. I will be thinking of you during the next couple of weeks and anxiously awaiting word of the newest addition. Remember I like details...:)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! We are so happy for you!!! Our hearts and love are with you. We're looking forward to being introduced to "el bebe" soon. Your web entries are really great.

Uncle Paul and Aunt Betty