Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What we've been up to

So what have we been up to? A lot of just normal life fun. Time with friends, visits to the zoo, birthday parties.

Here are a few pictures of what the boys (and us too!) have been up to…
We had a fun visit to the zoo with the Evans ladies (Mom Leah, and daughters Carly, Addy, and Ginger) and Bauer ladies (Mom Caryn with daughters Ela and Lili).

Puppet shows in the kitchen… (we’re still working on the art of hiding the artist.)

We’ve been to a slew of birthday parties, including one that was a costume party. (Worth clarifying, in case you’re wondering why the kids are dressed up.)

Lunch with our friends on the patio, while the little people play!

Lots of fun with this great weather and wonderful friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole:
I checked this blog as I knew I would be seeing Santi here at Ann and Dan's. Your boys are growing up so fast and look so interested in their world. Eva seemed to be delighted with Santi's visit and he had such a nice way with her. Best wishes to you all, Eleanor