Monday, October 26, 2009

3-5 and 2-2

I tried to take a picture of the boys dressed for church, since they looked all nice and shiny clean. They decided to sit on their favorite blue and green chairs. Jacob practiced his smile, and Timothy decided he wanted to run to look at the picture before it was taken. (What happened to waiting for the developed pictures from CVS?) And then they decided that they had the same favorite chair. So much for the nice picture...

So here's a faroff shot (no drama for the camera) of my explorers at play.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Around the House

We haven't blogged any trips lately, as we've been mostly around the house enjoying a period of not traveling. (That will soon end...) But I'm sure everyone is dying to know what goes on in Casa Sedaca, so here are a few highlights of the exciting things we do around the house.

Sometimes they can help us make yummy paella. Or just play with the ingredients.

Sometimes Grover joins the fun. (Don't ask about Jacob's headband.)

Sometimes our boys are replaced by fierce lions and dogs.

Sometimes we subject the children to manual labor. (They LOVED washing the car.)

Sometimes our bed gets turned into a major Lego building factory.

Mostly we just love laughing with these sources of constant entertainment.