Sunday, March 8, 2009

David and Kristin's visit

We were so delighted that David and Kristin Cummins, dear friends from DC, were able to spend a week with us. We toured around Quito, headed to Otavalo for a taste of nature and ingenous culture, spent a day in the thermal springs in Papallacta, and did lots of shopping. What fun it was to have them here!! Our boys are still talking about them.

David and Kristin in Plaza San Francisco de Quito

Everyone in La Ronda, Quito

In Otavalo, the cutest kid in the market and our cute kids in the market!!

Hiking at Laguna Mojanda

David, Santiago, and the boys trying their hand at local instruments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicole, siempre me deleito en leer tu blog y ver fotos de tus hijos. Me alegro mucho que las cosas les esten yendo tan bien. Los quiero mucho,
Tía Marta