Sunday, October 21, 2007

DC Amigo and the Beach

A couple updates from the last week.

We were pleased to host a friend of ours from DC who was in town for business. He used to live in Quito so is practically a local, and introduced us to a number of really great folks in town who are old friends of his. And he did very well with the boys, as the picture below shows. Please note that Timothy's nap was due to Jeff's rocking, not to Santiago's choice of beverage.

We also spent a long weekend in Manta, a beach/port town midway down the coast. We had a great time - good weather, great seafood, and a good time with some friends who were down there for work as well. Our friends have an adorable 6 year old, and Jacob loved playing with a big kid. Timothy was indoors mostly, as we didn't think his fair skin was quite suited for equatorial temperatures and sun. Here are some photos of the visit:
Jacob and Mama in the pool
Jacob and Mateo enjoying the sand
Jacob and Papa enjoying some coconut milk
Jacob finishing off the coconut
Jacob smiling through his sandy face

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