Saturday, July 14, 2007

Time Flew!

I've been here a month! I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. Part of me feels like I just got here, and part of me feels like I've been here for ages, or at least done about that much stuff. Life for me has been filled with Spanish classes, getting household goods, dealing with normal move preparation issues, and being with Jacob. It's been such a huge transition, and the major transitions are still ahead - moving into our own place, getting furniture, having a baby, adjusting to being a family of 4, and plugging in further into Quito/Ecuadorean life.

This time has been really wonderful in teaching me patience and perspective. (Two things that were not paramount in 10 years at the State Department and my personality, if I have to admit it.) Seeing every day as another step in building a life here for Santiago and me, and for our boys, is a real eye-opener and a wonderful undertaking. And what a change from the day-to-day life we had in DC.

We are moving into our house this weekend. (I'll send our new address around privately.) We are excited about finaling moving into our new place, and getting slightly more settled. We will miss the comforts of the Swissotel, where service was just a call away. (Still trying to negotiate with Santiago who is in charge of chocolate on the pillow!) Most of our furniture will arrive at the beginning of August, so we'll be in a bit of transition until then. The arrival of the rest - the "expedited" air freight - is still up in the air. (don't ask...)

It's been great to hear from various people and to get updates on everyone's life! Keep them coming.

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