Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hacienda Primavera

Here's another late post...but definitely a fun memory for us.
We trekked out to the northern most province to visit a hacienda that was a hidden – very hidden – gem. In the middle of lush banana plantations was Hacienda Primavera, where the boys rode horses, fished for trout, and generally enjoyed themselves. (That's it in the back of the second picture!)

On the first day, we took a four hour ride to a river. The boys loved being on the horses, and certainly playing in the river.

The variety of bananas were amazing; our guide explained that there are more than 100 types in Ecuador. Who knew? I always assumed there were only “too green to eat”, “yellow, let’s eat them”, and “turning brown, make banana bread.”

That afternoon we went “fishing” at a trout farm. They caught four large fish, and were delighted with the process.

In this picture they were proudly answering the question “Who caught these fish?”

On the second day, we went for a three hour ride through the banana trees up to a water fall. It was a pretty steep ride in many places, but the boys weathered the trip valiantly.

We ended the trip with a ride on the newly-restored train between Salinas and Ibarra. The boys were delighted to be on a train, and we loved seeing the countryside of this part of Ecuador.

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